Business & Group Planning

A well-designed employee benefits program is critical to attracting and retaining top talent. HERO offers a wide range of consulting services with an emphasis on long-term planning, cost-containment strategies, and employee benefits communication.

Strong Business Solutions

  • Key Person Life Insurance

    Protect your business against financial loss in the event of a key individual’s death. This may be an owner, executive, or anyone whose death could create financial hardship for the company.

  • Buy-Sell Life Insurance

    Ensure that surviving owners have the right to purchase an owner’s interest if the owner dies. This guarantees fair compensation to the descendent’s beneficiaries.

  • Group Life Insurance

    Cover each eligible employee by a master contract at premium rates based on age and gender. Plans may be employer or be primarily contributed to by the insured.

  • Split-Dollar Life Insurance

    Learn about life insurance where the ownership of the policy, cash value, and the death benefit are divided. The company provides lifetime protection for an employee but retains the ability to recover its policy contributions.

  • Deferred Compensation Plan

    Allow executives to defer a portion of their current compensation until retirement. This benefit is frequently offered and limited to a small group of key executives.

  • Section 162 Plan

    Often called “Executive Bonus Plans,” Section 162 plans are a simple way to reward top executives. The employee’s premium is then bonused—usually as taxable income to the employee and tax-deductible to the employer.

Achieve your goals and build a future you can count on with HERO Insurance & Planning.

Contact us for a policy review today.

Connect with the experts at HERO and take your first step to building a smarter, more dependable portfolio.

Office: (507)268-4370
Mobile: (612)462-0665
Address: 207 Parkway Avenue North, Lanesboro, MN 55949